my little boy

my little boy
my autistic child

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Some people are seriously messed up

Well been a long 2 weeks with Dustin out of school, he really needs something to do and he has nothing but to play in a pool and he is so bored but just 5 more days and he starts going to his summer school thank goodness so at least he will have something to do and get to be around other little kids.  Then someone stole my decals of out autism business that had a picture of my son and our phone numbers on it off of my car I mean seriously who does that, who steals decals off of a car, that is just sad some people really need to get a life.  And then I have started going to school I am taking Speech and Business Math class, they aren't to bad I don't like getting up in front of people and talking but its a required class so don't have a choice but to take and then Math I just suck at math probably gonna have to get a tutor to help me get through it but hopefully I will pass both of them and make good grades I cant wait until my fall classes and I can't wait to get through them and be a teacher and then we are possibly moving out of our home into a home that is cheaper the bills are a lot cheaper and maybe we will finally have some money left over, tired of not having money it sucks but thats probably how everybody fills now day thanks to the economy so other than that nothing else really going on just hanging out watching television and lots of cleaning and thats about it.

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